Asking for and receiving help.

Greetings Readers, it's been a while and I've been busy, but I'm back with some words of... "Wisdom"? moving on... You know what get's my goat? People hating on others for receiving help, It's always "Well I didn't get any help, I did it all myself." That's great for you, it is, but what they don't tell you is, many of them were offered help, but they were too proud to accept it. I am not ashamed to admit that I had a trust fund as a kid, I'm not ashamed to admit that I've received food parcels, money from charities to help pay my bills, I'm not afraid to admit that I've had hand outs, left right and center from family members, friends and even strangers on the internet! Problem is, there's so much help available out there for people, but nobody is willing to look for it, or they worry that people will look down on them for even asking! Listen, if you're offered helped from ANYONE, take it! There's zero shame and no, you may never be able to pay people back, but the ones that are willing to give you a leg up, 9/10, are not looking for repayment.


PAY IT FORWARD! Buy a homeless guy a coffee, take a friend to dinner, or, if you can't afford that, make something! Draw a picture, bake some cookies, hell, pick a bunch of flowers and give them to a random old lady, I don't know. Me personally, if somebody is in need I will always help them out in any way that I can, if I have money spare, if I have spare food, or just somebody to talk to, it makes me feel good and I know that, if that person can't repay me, I've still done something good and it makes me feel good too! I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I truly believe that it costs nothing to be kind.


As usual, be good, stay safe, make good choices and if you can't well, at least have fun.



A Message From My Readers.

Tony's Words


Greetings, Winter asked me to write an article for her blog, and since I recently turned 40,  and I am very often a point of call for dad advice (dadvice as we call it) for several people, I figured I would do the following
Dadvice I wish I'd known before I hit 40.
This is in no particular order by the way, but I have left the best for last.
Over my 40 years I break my life into 3 parts, the tutorial levels (early and teen years, basically education time) my old life (pre marriage and mental breakdown) and my new life (post marriage and breakdown).  I live my new life with a very different mentality to my old, my main focus now is to support those who need it, encourage and motivate when I can and to leave people better than before they knew me. Hence this blog and trying to share some of my values and mentalities.
So let's get started, first and foremost,  HONESTY.
Honesty seems to be such an old fashioned thing it's live a rare find at the back of a vintage shop.  But the thing is that it is such a valuable commodity especially when used right.  I always tell people to never ask me a question they don't want an honest answer too because if they are just wanting me to lie or pad an ego it isn't gunna happen.  And that has served me well because now that my reputation for honesty has been established people know that A, I will give honest but constructive (we will come back to that) feedback and B, if someone says some lies about me people will see through it. So many people seem to use lies as a defence mechanism,  and I did the same in my old life, building walls upon walls of lies that it got to the point where I didn't know fact from the fiction I had created.  Now not only is speaking truth easier and less stress because I don't have to remember my field of lies, but your honesty will breed honesty in others and they will come to trust your judgement and opinion as genuine and not self serving.
Secondly, be PROACTIVE in your help.
Remember I said we would come back to constructive criticism,  didn't take me long did it.  What do I mean by being proactive? Imagine this, you're in a new situation,  job/friendship/social encounter whatever, and you do something not ideal.  If someone comes up to you and says "you idiot what did you do that for? Go do it again" then that's just berating.  If they come to you and say "that didn't go so well did it, try changing [insert advice] before doing it again".  Without direction and constructive feedback how can anyone learn from their mistakes.
The section 2.1 that goes with this is also being open to relieve that feedback.  Too many people this day and age think that they know how to do a thing and that's it, that's how it should be done.  In my experience there is never just 1 way to do ANYTHING! There is differing techniques,  styles, understandings of how to do anything and everything but humans seem to just get fixated on 1 and not want to budge.  So be open, listen to advice when it is genuinely given, take on board what you can and apply it to your life.  Taking advice does not mean doing exactly what the person says, it's more about hearing what they say and applying the lessons and principles to your situation.
Thirdly, and kinda following on from that, never stop LEARNing.  The world is forever changing and evolving, I grew up in a time before google and smartphones, now these days I couldn't imagine my life without them.  In another 40 years it will have all changed again.  You have to continuously learn and evolve with the world around you.
Fourth, this is a big one for me RESPECT.  I see a frightening lack of this in the world these days.  Basic respect comes not because someone has a status, or wealth, or power, or a title. Respect doesn't come from where you grew up or how loud you shout, respect isn't earned by swearing or threatening,  respect is earned by showing respect.  I will say that again.
Respect is earned by showing respect!
Respect and trust go hand in hand for me and if a person cannot show respect in front of me, be it to me or to other people, then that's a red flag so big it's a blanket.  You see a person slagging someone off, I can guarantee they will slag you off when you back is turned.  Everyone deserves respect regardless of skin colour, gender, education level, job, bank balance, or any other factor you can think of.  But when a person abuses that respect it takes ALOT to get is back, same as trust, once respect or trust are broken it is a massive thing to reforge it, and 90%of that effort must come from the other party.
What we on now, fifth, this one is going to be hard for some to do, or get the balance of, don't be afraid to be SELFISH.
You can't pour from an empty cup.
You can't hold someone up when your broken
You can't give what you don't have
Those phrases are paramount to our own survival in this day and age.  We have been told over generation that being selfish is bad, but not always.  Sometimes being selfish means saying you can't help a person because your batteries are drained, sometimes being selfish is saying you need time away from a situation because it has taken its toll on you, sometimes being selfish is cutting of negative people or negative situations that hinder your growth.
Sometimes being selfish simply means asking for help!!  In these terms, and these situations, never be afraid to be selfish!!
Finally, and to me this has made all the difference,  understand the difference between TRUE FRIENDS, and people you know.
Over the years I have called many people "friend" and over all that time very few of those people have actually earned that title.  Now don't get me wrong sometimes friendships drift apart over time as life takes over etc and I understand that, but I have had more than my fair share of "friends" who have straight up betrayed my trust.  My mistake?  Putting too much trust in people who hadn't earned it (see above) and allowing the term "friend" to become a locking nut that I didn't want to let go of.  
Over your time on this earth you will encounter many many people, through friendships, relationships, through family or work contacts, and if you're a decent person you will no doubt get on with a great many of them.  But this does not make them your friend.  This may seem controversial but of all the many people I regularly interact with on a weekly basis I would call only about a half dozen of them "friends".  Everyone else is merely an acquaintance, a work colleague,  sometimes even simply "someone I tolerate".  The difference isn't just simply that I like to hang out with my friends, or that I just enjoy conversation with them or we share interests, the difference for me between my friends and everyone else is that I will always do what I can to help them, and I'm certain they would do the same for me!!
When it comes to true friends, Quality will always far outweigh quantity, choose carefully!
Also as a side caveat of this, some of those half dozen friends are Internet friends, and I would never put down having Internet friends.  I have a group of Internet friends who I am going to be fortunate enough to be meeting in person next week, and these friends have brought me through many dark times in my new life, they have supported my growth and my passions, and honestly I can't wait to bestow all the hugs to them when I get the chance.  Some times your best mates are the other side of a screen, and that's ok!!
I could write so much more and maybe if you liked this I could do a part 2 but for now I will wrap up there.  
Be kind, be honest, show love and enjoy your lives!!

Motivation To Clean.

"Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness."


The Above phrase, is one that I've heard a lot while growing up; But, is it true? Don't get me wrong, good hygiene is important for your health, physical and mental, but even I know that there are days where, the idea of tackling that laundry pile, seems like way too high of a chore! Personally, I love a clean house but I hate cleaning, until, I don't... 

Yeah, make that make sense! At least, once a week, I feel so motivated to get things done, I write a list and I imagine just how nice it's going to feel when it's all clean, and I can relax with a glass of wine and my book, but I get maybe, two/three tasks done, before I feel burnt out and end up on my phone, scrolling through Facebook for hours on end. People say I'm lazy, maybe I am? Or maybe not, sometimes, I just lack motivation, that's not laziness, its just a normal human reaction, we tend to do things that give us a dose of dopamine and for the majority of us, cleaning just doesn't give us that boost! 


But, We Can't Live In Filth.


It is, however, important that we at least try to get the most important jobs out of the way, so here's what I do, I take a walk around my house, and look in each room, I select the biggest issue that needs dealing with, and add it to my "To Do" List, Then I take a look and see what things are the biggest priority, I do those first, that way, if I don't complete the whole list, at least the most important things are done, and I feel a sense of success, the rest can be done, tomorrow, for example, this was my list for today:

Kitchen: Wash the pots. - Second

Living room: Hoover. -  Fifth

Bathroom: Move Laundry. - Forth

Bedroom: Fresh Bedding. - Third

Cat Room: Litter. - First


Fortunately for me, I did my whole list and was able to do more odd jobs around the house and I feel GREAT! There's still so much left to do, but I'll get to it tomorrow, now, it's time to relax and watch a movie with my doggos! 


Have fun finding what works for you, remember, as long as you're trying, that's all that matters and hey, if you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it!


Okay, have fun, be safe, make good choices and if you can't, at least make them fun!

With Love,


Fear Of Medicating.

I'm afraid to medicate.


There is no shame in using meds, if they help, then that is absolutely brilliant! I have been on and off of anti depressants, since I was 16, I've had Fluoxetine, Sertraline, Citalopram and Escitalopram.

Truth is, I have, in the past, had a ton of success with my meds, but lately, absolutely everything I try, give's me some horrendous, side effects! After my doctor chose to change my meds, one more time, I collected them, but that's all, they're still in an unopened box on my kitchen counter.


It's not that I think meds are bad, actually, I've seen the good they can do, I just hate how they effect me, sometimes, they turn you into an emotionless robot! I used to think that I'd be better off, without emotions at all, but that's not true, emotions are what make us human, they're what make us, who we are...


Don't take my word for it.


Of course, when it comes to your own personal health, mental or physical, you have to make decisions for yourself, you have to try things, before coming to a conclusion... I write this blog as a way to reaching people, in hopes that people will realize that, they're not alone! But I'm not a professional, I'm just another human, fighting her way through her own personal war, just like you!


There is no right or wrong choice.


Refusing to take meds, does not mean that you're unwilling to help yourself, as long as you are seeking help, in the first place, talking to somebody or doing any kind of self care... You are helping yourself! And taking med's does not mean you're weak, strong people do what's necessary to get better, meds or no meds, you're doing what's right for you!


As always, be safe, make good choices, yada yada yada.


With Love,




Mental Health Services.

App, The Crisis Team, Samaritans.


TW: This post talks openly about self harm and suicidal thoughts.


Before writing this, I'd just like to clarify that I hold no distain for our mental health services, in fact, in my experience, they have been fabulous! They always offer as much care as is humanly possible but none of it has ever really worked for me... Why?


That's a good question that I don't rightly know, the answer to;  See, they always say "If you have thought's of self harm or, you believe you're a danger to yourself or others, call this number." Etc. and, that's great and all, but, if I am actively wanting to harm myself, why would I call somebody to stop me? 

If I have an end goal in mind, then I'm not thinking about anything else, all I'm thinking about is what I want to do... make sense? 

These apps that have been created to distract you, they have the same issue, I am pretty stubborn, so when I have my mind set on something, no amount of distraction is going to work and if, I want to harm myself, chances are, I've already done the harm, before I've even registered the idea of doing it, by then, it's too late!


Blacking Out.


Blacking out is a very real problem, when it come's to self harm, you can be fine one minute, and the next, you're gripping a knife and your arm hurts.

That's what happened to me the last time, one moment, I'm out for drinks with a friend, the next, I'm slamming a glass against the tiled wall in the club toilets, because I want to harm myself, of course, I felt bad and did my best to clean it up.

Then I was back to being okay, until I got home and suddenly, I'm looking at the mess I've made, gripping a knife and begin to scramble to stop the bleeding, before FINALLY, calling 999 for help.

 Fortunately for me, I was fine, the operator arranged a taxi for me, to take me to the hospital, paid for it too!

The hospital didn't talk down to me, each member of staff were nothing but nice, one person took notice of the Star Wars t shirt I had on, and started talking to me about that. All that to say that, I know people are afraid to go to the hospital, because they're afraid of how they will be treated, but in my experience, they see you as you are, a human being, that's had a moment of madness, who need's help so, don't be afraid to ask when needed!


The Point I'm Making.


So many people feel bad, because, the apps or other services, don't work for them, and they feel that they are broken beyond repair, I know, because I've been there and I've felt it, but you are not broken and neither am I, we're just... Spicy. We will heal, we will get where we need to be one day and we will learn to manage our emotions, but to do that, we have to keep fighting and never give up.


You are strong, you are beautiful and you are enough, we've got this.


Be safe, make good choices, and if you can't... well, you know the rest.

With Love,



Advice Column?

I was asked for advice.


I'm thinking of starting an advice section on this blog, allow readers to write to me asking for my opinion and I'll give it. I'm not a professional, not by any means, but I am a human and I've seen/heard a lot, so who knows? Maybe there's a wise old owl in me, somewhere? Food for thought, let me know what your opinions are, on that idea?


As always, be good, stay safe, make good decisions and if you can't, at least have fun!

With Love,
