Motivation To Clean.

"Cleanliness Is Next To Godliness."


The Above phrase, is one that I've heard a lot while growing up; But, is it true? Don't get me wrong, good hygiene is important for your health, physical and mental, but even I know that there are days where, the idea of tackling that laundry pile, seems like way too high of a chore! Personally, I love a clean house but I hate cleaning, until, I don't... 

Yeah, make that make sense! At least, once a week, I feel so motivated to get things done, I write a list and I imagine just how nice it's going to feel when it's all clean, and I can relax with a glass of wine and my book, but I get maybe, two/three tasks done, before I feel burnt out and end up on my phone, scrolling through Facebook for hours on end. People say I'm lazy, maybe I am? Or maybe not, sometimes, I just lack motivation, that's not laziness, its just a normal human reaction, we tend to do things that give us a dose of dopamine and for the majority of us, cleaning just doesn't give us that boost! 


But, We Can't Live In Filth.


It is, however, important that we at least try to get the most important jobs out of the way, so here's what I do, I take a walk around my house, and look in each room, I select the biggest issue that needs dealing with, and add it to my "To Do" List, Then I take a look and see what things are the biggest priority, I do those first, that way, if I don't complete the whole list, at least the most important things are done, and I feel a sense of success, the rest can be done, tomorrow, for example, this was my list for today:

Kitchen: Wash the pots. - Second

Living room: Hoover. -  Fifth

Bathroom: Move Laundry. - Forth

Bedroom: Fresh Bedding. - Third

Cat Room: Litter. - First


Fortunately for me, I did my whole list and was able to do more odd jobs around the house and I feel GREAT! There's still so much left to do, but I'll get to it tomorrow, now, it's time to relax and watch a movie with my doggos! 


Have fun finding what works for you, remember, as long as you're trying, that's all that matters and hey, if you need help, don't be afraid to ask for it!


Okay, have fun, be safe, make good choices and if you can't, at least make them fun!

With Love,


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